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Friday, September 21, 2007

It's Been a While.......

I know, I know I haven't blogged in quite some time, things have just been a little crazy around the Saunders household. The weekend after Labor Day we went to Roanoke to visit Kevin's family and to attend a wedding and a one year old's birthday party. The Friday before we left I took Ryan to the doctor because he wasn't feeling and wanted to make sure it wasn't anything major before we left for our trip. Well guess what?......he had a horrible ear infection. We got his medicine and headed out of town. Emily had been dealing with a cold for a week or so and then the Wednesday after we got back she woke up with a cough and fever so off to the doctor's we went. Guess what?......she had a double ear infection. We got her medicine and they both finished their rounds of antibiotics this past Sunday. On Monday Ryan still wasn't acting right and was complaining about his ear hurting so Tuesday morning we headed back to the doctor's only to find out that; Guess what?........he still had the ear infection and to top it all off he also had this hand, foot and mouth virus. So we got him some more medicine (for the ear infection only, there is nothing they can do for the virus). I did get Emily's ears checked that same day since I was already there and she got a clean bill of health. So, basically we have been in the house for the past 2 weeks trying to get better. Tomorrow is Ryan's last day of his antibiotics and I sure hope that he is all better. I am just so paranoid now that he still has the infection, since there is no way for me to tell if it's gone. Also, Kevin went to the doctor on Tuesday night and found out he has tonsillitis, so he was taking his own medicine. I am so tired of wiping noses, remembering to give medicine and dealing with cranky kids (and husbands). Hopefully sometime in the near future we will be able to get out and do something fun so I can blog about it. (and so I don't go crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


heather said...

I hope everyone feels better soon! It sounds like you could use a moms night out and a big glass of wine :)!

Jessica said...

I was wondering what was going on. It sounds like you really need coffee and dessert tonight! I'm looking forward getting to spend time with you and the other small group ladies!

Katy said...

Well I'm glad you're alive!!! I was starting to be seriously worried about you - sounds like you guys have had it ROUGH!!! Are the doctors talking about tubes yet? Ryan has had a rough summer with those ears of his!! And such a weird time of year to struggle too. Hopefully you guys can move past this and have some fun soon!

dandsratz said...

Hey Jamie! It is SOO tiring when then little ones are sick!! I feel your pain. I will be praying hard that everyone gets well SOON!! HEY--NOW I KNOW you have pictures of your Roanoke trip to blog about!!! :)

Heather J said...

Glad to know the Saunders are getting healthy finally! Its always something isn't it! Like I said, I think you thrive off the drama! (NOT!) I think we all need to jointly invest in one of those medical 'ear lookers' to help us gals from becoming so paranoid about ear infections!!

anthonyandbeth said...

i hope everyone is feeling better now! mommies never get a break when people are sick in the house! glad you're blogging again! :)

anthonyandbeth said...

i hope everyone is feeling better now! mommies never get a break when people are sick in the house! glad you're blogging again! :)