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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Potty training

Well, it's official we are in the midst of potty training. I decided last Friday that it was time, I was tired of both changing my newly 3 year olds diapers and buying them. So I decided that on Friday he was going to start, so that morning we began every 10 minutes going and sitting on the potty. At first he was a little annoyed at the fact that he had to stop playing and go sit, but then I started setting the timer and when it went off it was "Potty Time"! I tried to make such a big deal every time he went hoping that would encourage him to want to do it more and I think it worked. I am sure that the M & M's I promised were a little bit of a motivator too. He went potty quite a few times that day (probably from the gallons of juice I made him drink). Ever since he had done amazing, better than I could have hoped for. Of course we are still working on getting through the night and staying dry, but no more diapers during the day just big boy pull ups. Here's hoping that this is the beginning of the end of diapers! I figured this probably wasn't the kind of post that needed pictures, but I did take one of his first poop....what can I say, I was so proud!


The Petersons said...

Super job Ryan! This is too funny! We are at the exact same point, but I have a lot more resistance down here. I just got serious this week. The funny thing is that Hannah is more interested in the potty than Hunter is. Maybe I'll at least get one out of diapers soon. Good luck Ryan - you're off to a great start!

Katy said...

Way to go Ryan!!!! This is how everybody starts...and my Mom always said they figure it out eventually! :) Sounds like he's doing great - I had one that was very annoyed that his play was interrupted too...that's a challenge!!!

heather said...

Good job Ryan! It's so nice when they "get it" and understand what you want them to do. Soon you'll have just one in diapers.

Andy and Jen said...

How exciting! You'll feel like you won the lottery with all the money you'll be saving not buying diapers.

Jen said...

Yeah for Ryan! Keep up the good work!

Heather J said...

I'm sure glad you didn't post the poop pic!! We are so proud of you Ryan, and so glad for you Jamie!

Natalie said...

Awesome job Ryan!!! What a big boy:)

anthonyandbeth said...

very exciting! i'm going to have to start Jackson soon. not really looking forward to it but really OVER changing those diapers on such a big boy! i hope he's as quick to catch on as ryan! :)

dandsratz said...

Yeah Ryan!!! What a fabulous milestone to reach!!! Jamie, I'll have an extra pair of "Cheeks" you can come over and change in a couple of months if you miss having two in diapers!! he he! :)

Jayne said...

This is just hilarious Jamie!! No doubt you missed my blog entries about Grayson and my poo-poo trials. I think it's definitely a bigger deal for mommy than it is for them, but good job for both of you! Grayson is almost 4 and is now finally DONE, and as Sue began encouraging me when he was 2 1/2 "Jayne, he'll go to kindergarten pooping and peeing on the potty so don't stress!" So Sue's advice can be passed along to you too! It'll all come together evenaually.